Friday, December 27, 2013

Diy Projects: DIY Etched Glass Bottles

Diy Projects: DIY Etched Glass Bottles

Paper Wicker Box

This is the Google Translate version.  If you have a better translation, please, let me know.
DIY - Coffer of paper wicker
DIY is the author of the blog Isskaa Paper World Isskii. 

"I photographed each step in order that it can do kursik .. and I did ;-)" 

We begin taping the whole carton rureczkami vertical and one begins to translate rureczkami horizontal and wrap so the entire box. 
How have we made cardboard box for cover. We measure the exact length of the wall and take soft box, I've used the last page of the block to sketching. I put in three places with rubber bands to give proper shape kufrowego lid.
Then I prepared myself the sides of the lid. You have to remember to accurately measure the dimensions to fit us perfectly then into the box. Obkleiłam these tubes.
Prepared I stick to the sides of the lid is still not yet pulling elastics, because keep in shape and back in August glued sides (I did it by typing a glue to heat).
When the sides have to keep fetching rubber cup and begin to attach the vertical tube.
Then, as I wrap the box horizontal rureczkami, the fact that I was more comfortable to cut the tube to the proper length and only impose, not wrapping up and driving.
NOTE! No fees lid on the flat, so I did the first trunk, and the lid went in the basket. When later the lid will collapse, or how Nadácia him the right shape, the tube on top of you will be used to expand and it will look ugly, tubes must be interspersed in just such a position.
When you are ready lid from the inside is a little flattened, does not hold good level so to get the right shape kufrowego lid nakleiłam two beads, which perfectly fulfilled their task.
Now you need to attach the lid to the carton. I used this to strips parcianych, ideally hold, are strong, and what surprised me pleasantly, do not let you open the lid completely on the outer side, and put the lid only to the vertical.
In previous trunk did not use belts parcianych, I used ordinary ribbons and to be honest, that when you open the lid I need to hold in order not too flew me back to not pourywało ribbons. I'm afraid I'll have to fix the lid again. With this trunk holds everything perfectly and I dare say that it is because the strips parcianych (though I could be wrong).
This is the trunk already in the raw state. On the back was visible gap, so I had to cover it by taping the paper.
From the bottom of the box has a vertical tube protruding sticky so I taped them to cardboard and sticked feet.
Now for the interior kuferka.
Can be laminated crumpled paper and paint, but I like satin, glowing wnętrza.Odmierzyłam exact width and length of the wall, I cut a suitable piece of cloth and glue to heat sticked to cardboard. Remember to color page was outside the carton, because if you have a clear material, can you break and it will look ugly.
Labelled material cartons or our wall I stick to the walls of kuferka.
On the lid, we need to stick the material and to the sides of the lid as well. Unfortunately no photos done, but the interior of the lid nakleiłam usual, only measured the width but laterally cut out cardboard, cardboard tagged nakleiłam material and only the sides of the lid, namely in the same manner as all the other wall.
Remember that the material of the lid to let in a little box, and then stick the wall, as we do this we will cover this lovely place to connect the lid of the box.
Of course, time for painting and decorating, but everyone is doing it according to your tastes and ideas.

Diy Projects: DIY Leather Wrap Bracelet

Diy Projects: DIY Leather Wrap Bracelet

Diy Projects: DIY Braided Rug

Diy Projects: DIY Braided Rug

Diy Projects: DIY Recycled CD Mosaic Photo Frame

Diy Projects: DIY Recycled CD Mosaic Photo Frame

Diy Projects: DIY Sponge Nails Art

Diy Projects: DIY Sponge Nails Art

Diy Projects: DIY Tights Organizer

Diy Projects: DIY Tights Organizer

How to Make Homemade Calamine Lotion

How to Make Homemade Calamine Lotion

Calamine lotion can be used to treat anything from nasty sunburn to poison ivy to itchy bug bites. It’s incredibly useful for anyone but particularly those who like to explore the outdoors, or kids that like to bushwhack through whatever they can. Anyway you spin it, a little jar of calamine can be a life-saver. While store-bought calamine lotion doesn’t have the poor chemical ratings of other over-the-counter lotions, replicating it at home costs a fraction of the price once you’ve gotten the ingredients. Plus, regardless of whether or not the ingredients are extremely bad, there’s something to be said for the peace of mind and wholesome feeling you get from making something from scratch. Don’t be intimidated by the ingredients-they’re much easier to get than you might think!
Homemade Calamine Lotion- soothes bug bites, poison ivy, rashes & sunburn.
Ingredients: Bentonite clay, baking soda, sea salt, essential oils, glycerin (optional), pink kaolin clay (optional).
Why bentonite clay:  Bentonite clay is a base used in a lot of dermatologic formulas, and is currently being studied for use in battlefield wound dressings since it seems to help them heal better. It also acts as a shield against urusiol, which is an oily organic substance found plants such as poison ivy and poison oak. If you happen to encounter poison ivy or something of the like, applying benotonite clay afterwards will draw out the oil, thanks to its unique way of binding elements.
Why baking soda: Baking soda is alkaline, which means it’s the opposite of acidic. When you suffer from a bug bite or something of the like it is higher in acidity. Adding baking soda neutralizes the acid and thus relieves the uncomfortable itchiness and irritation. Calcium hydroxide is what is used in store-bought calamine, and you can track it down, but baking soda is much more common and does essentially the same thing.
Why tea tree/essential oil: Essential oils do more than just make things smell good-certain ones like tea tree or lavender are great at soothing itchy, inflamed, skin.
Why sea salt: Sea salt sloughs away dead or dying skin cells and can help relieve swelling, inflammation, and any matter of infuriating itchiness.
Why pink kaolin clay (optional): Kaolin clay is great for people with sensitive skin, and is a very gentle exfoliator. It does not draw toxins out with the same force as bentonite clay, although it does help, so we use it here mainly to add the pink color to calamine without iron oxide, and to make the lotion that much more effective.
Why glycerin (optional): The glycerin makes the calamine a little smoother and softer, as it traps in moisture and also draws moisture to your skin.

You will need…
-1/4 cup of fresh water (roughly)
-4 teaspoons bentonite clay
-4 teaspoons baking soda
-1/2-1 tablespoon of sea salt
-10-15 drops of tea tree or another essential oil, such as lavender or chamomile, or a combination
-1/2 teaspoon glycerin (optional)
-2-3 teaspoons pink kaolin clay (optional)
We buy all of our herbs, clays and other natural ingredients from…
Note: You can add any essential oils that are known to be good for skin care. Common ones include eucalyptus, lavender, chamomile, and tea tree. Feel free to make up a combination or stick to using one.
In a small bowl, whisk together the baking soda, salt, bentonite clay, and the kaolin clay if you’re using it.
calamine powder
Add water, stirring constantly, until a paste starts to form. Continue to add water until desired consistency is reached-I usually use around a quarter cup, but it will depend on whether or not you include the pink kaolin clay.
mixing it
Add in your essential oils at this point, and the glycerin if you’re using it. Stir until thoroughly blended, and store in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid.
adding tea tree oil
You can keep this in the refrigerator for up to a week, but an easier way is to simply keep a jar of the dry ingredients blended together on hand. Then, when you need it, take a small spoonful of the powder and just add enough of the liquids to make your lotion as needed.
using the calamine cream
calamine cream
A special thanks to Nourishing Joy for giving us the inspiration to make our own Calamine lotion. If you happen to be looking for a great toothpaste recipe, check out her homemade cinnamon nutmeg toothpaste.

8 Best Chicken Breeds For Preppers

Keeping just one breed of chicken is like putting all your eggs in one basket.
Are you planning to keep chickens to provide food for your family after an economic collapse? They’re the first livestock on the prepper’s list due to their small size, low maintenance, and ability to provide both eggs and meat. They’re also a great addition to your survival plan because they produce fertilizer and eat pests that could ruin your survival plantings. Before you acquire chickens, there are some things to consider. Do some homework so you’ll choose the best breeds to suit your needs.


What climate will you be surviving in…hot, cold, wet? Choose the right breeds for the location. Chickens with large combs, such as the Brown Leghorn, are adapted to hot climates. Those same chickens are susceptible to frostbite on their combs. If you live in the frigid north, choose a cold hardy breed like the Ameraucana. For rainy climates, consider keeping a breed like the Marans that were developed in a marshy region.


You’ll also want breeds that blend into their surroundings. White Leghorns are awesome hens due to their low feed, high egg production. However, they’re easy to spot by predators. Look for chickens that will blend in with the natural terrain. The Egyptian Fayoumi is black and white speckled and will blend into dappled shade. The Brown Leghorn’s color is better suited to sandy areas. Choosing breeds for camouflage will help them forage more safely.


Some chickens will provide a lot of eggs or meat, but they need regular rations of grain to keep them in prime condition. Choose breeds that will actively forage.  Chickens are omnivores and will eat everything from plant material and bugs to small rodents. Be sure they have room to find the nutrients they need. In a dry area with low nutrient density they’ll have to range far and wide for food. The dense foliage and rotting logs of woodland will provide better hunting grounds.  Your chickens will also need dirt to scratch in for grit, minerals, and to take dust baths. Give them any table scraps you might have, as well as finely crushed egg shells to provide extra nutrition. They also need a source of fresh, clean water to stay healthy and provide you with eggs.
If you live in an area with a dry season or cold winter, how will you provide food for them when resources are scarce? Chickens don’t like going out in snow or heavy rains. You may need to collect food for them during the abundant season and store it. The lean season is a good time to cull your old hens, extra roosters, or the less thrifty ones for the table. Feed the guts and ground bones back to the flock.

Eggs and Meat

This is your whole reason for keeping chickens. Will you be able to butcher them when the time comes? Will you have a flock that actually lays eggs for your table? If you’re bugging out and taking chickens with you, keep in mind that moving them to a new location will shut down egg production for at least two weeks while they acclimate. They will also stop laying eggs if they don’t have enough food or water, and also during the winter in areas with shorter daylight hours. Store up extra eggs during the fall to help see you through the lean months. Unwashed eggs in good condition have been stored for up to 6 months unrefrigerated.
You should also be aware that most chickens will not provide you with as much meat as you are accustomed to. Cornish Rock broilers are the premier meat chicken in the US. They’ve been hybridized by the poultry industry to provide a plump, tender bird in 8 weeks. You’ll want to raise dual purpose breeds to get the most meat, but don’t expect anything like the birds you buy on a Styrofoam slab. Older chickens are pretty chewy, too. So you may want to make soup instead of roasting them.

The Next Generation

Look for chicken breeds that will hatch out and raise their own chicks. You can’t incubate eggs without a steady temperature of about 98 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Your best strategy is to let the hens take care of that. Hens that stay on a nest and hatch out their own young are referred to as ‘broody.’ A broody hen stops laying eggs until her chicks can fend for themselves. Not all hens make good mothers. Sometimes they drag their little ones all over and lose them. It takes time to breed for these characteristics. And don’t forget that you need roosters for fertile eggs. Keep more than one rooster for genetic diversity
One last note for the prepper with chickens in their survival plan – Start Now! There is a learning curve to raising livestock. You need to gain first hand knowledge ASAP. When all hell breaks loose, you’ll have enough to worry about. So get your chickens in a row and start prepping now.

My Top Chicken Picks for Preppers

These are some of the best chickens for free ranging, hot or cold climate, raising offspring, and/or laying eggs. Start with several kinds and selectively breed for your conditions. Bring in new breeding stock when possible to prevent inbreeding.
Brown Leghorn – hot climate, active forager, flighty, great layer, seldom broody, brown with green sheen.
Egyptian Fayoumi – Hot climate, active forager, wild, good layer, seldom broody, black and white speckled, disease resistant, early maturing.
Turken – Hot or cold climate, adaptable, decent layer, can be broody, good mother, color varies, docile, slow to mature.
Buckeye – Very cold hardy, adaptable, decent layer, somewhat broody, docile, dark brown, slow to mature.
Chanticler – Very cold hardy, decent layer, broody, good mother, docile, color varies, early maturing.
Dominique – Cold hardy, adaptable, decent layer, broody, good mother, barred, early maturing.
Ameraucana – Very cold hardy, adaptable, good layer, can be broody, color varies, somewhat early maturing.
Marans – Tolerant of wet conditions, adaptable, decent layer, broody, color varies.
For a great resource that lists the characteristics of different chicken breeds, check out the Henderson’s Chicken Breed Chart.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

DIY Thread Holder

Sewing {Thread} Holder

After looking at all my thread on two table for the last 8 months I finally got mySewing Thread Holder done! Yeah!

I thought about buying these but since, when I sew, I like my top & bottom threads to match I needed a way to store my bobbins with the spools. This wall rack will hold 128 spools. Total dimension 31 1/2" x 23 1/2".

I cut some wood "shelves"(1x4's cut in 1/2 length wise= about 1 5/8" wide by 30" long) & hammered in some nails on the front side(1 3/4" apart) for the bobbins. I found this great idea to secure the end of the thread to the bobbin. Its just clear plastic tubing I cut to fit the bobbins(found at Home Depot). I added thin molding to the front to hide the seam. The backing is a piece of beadboard.

Its so nice to be able to find what color I'm looking for. Now I just need to fill it up.

Easy To Make Christmas Ribbon Wreath

If you still haven’t made or bought a Christmas wreath we have an interesting tutorial for you. It’s done by Monica Ewing, doesn’t require much materials and is really easy to implement.


  • 12″ metal ring
  • 72 feet of 1 1/2″ wired ribbon (24 inches of each pattern in Christmas colors)


  • Tie about 36 bows.
  • Put all bows on the metal ring but use bows made of different ribbons after each other.
  • Now you need only a hook to hang the wreath.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Don't be touching my stuff.

People need to read before they start touching stuff on my desk.


In the process of making scarves for Christmas presents.  I was OFF on my math and didn't make them long enough.  Have to redo 4 of them.  What I get for waiting until the last minute.



DIY Ice Candles
Enjoying the smell of a favorite candle is one of life’s little pleasures. To make our rental house more homey I’ve been using candles much more often. Along the way I discovered I’m a bit of a candle snob. Not only do I want my candle to smell good – I want it to look good too. Which is a problem because I’m a total sucker for any cheap coconut or vanilla candle I find that reminds me of being on the beach.
Recycle old candles
If you find a candle you love but don’t like the container – or just want a way to give new life to a half used candle – you can recycle your favorite scent into an ice candle. Have you ever heard of ice candles? Yes, you actually use ice! Using ice gives the candle a unique – and slightly unpredictable – texture.
DIY Candles with ice
To make your own ice candles you will need:
  • Old candles you want to recycle or soy wax if you want to start from scratch.
  • Cardboard containers, like a milk carton.
  • Wicks.
  • A pencil.
  • Waterproof glue.
  • Ice cubes.
Step 1: To recycle an old candle in a glass container, tie it in a plastic grocery bag and smash it till the glass breaks. The driveway works well for this. Yes, it’s very therapeutic to break something but be very careful! After the glass has been removed, rinse off the candle to get rid of any shards. Then cut it into thick chunks.
How to recycle candles into ice candles
Step 2: Cut the top off an old milk carton and thoroughly clean it. Then glue the wick to the bottom of the carton with water proof glue. Wrap the top of the wick around a pencil and set it on top of the carton.
Step 3: Melt the wax using a double broiler. When it’s ready to pour, fill the milk carton with ice cubes. (Try not to use too many small pieces of ice or your candle might fall apart in the middle.) Then pour the melted wax into the carton and cover the ice.
Step 4: Let the candle sit for a couple of hours and pour out the water from the melted ice. Then tear away the carton from the candle. Depending on how the ice melted in the milk carton, you might have some missing pieces from the candle. This adds character!
How to make ice candles

Hot Chocolate Spoons

by Marie LeBaron 
Chocolate Dipped Spoons from
Supplies for Hot Chocolate Spoons: 
- spoons, plastic work best
- chocolate chips, regular and mini chips
- marshmallows
- coconut, shredded and sweetened
- peanut butter chips
- butterscotch chips
- crushed candy canes
- wax paper
- plate
Have your supplies out ready to go. Heat up your chocolate chips for spoon dipping first. Place a 1/2 cup of chocolate chips in a microwave safe bowl and microwave for 1 minute. Take it out and stir, then continue to heat it for 20 second intervals until melted.
Once your chocolate is melted, dip your spoon into the bowl. You’ll need to stir it around and turn it over to make sure you’ve got it all covered in chocolate. Then set the spoon onto a plate covered in wax paper.
When you’ve got your spoons dipped, it’s time to decorate them. For the snowman, place 3 marshmallows in a line down the spoon. I topped one with a peanut butter chip for the hat and a flake of coconut for the scarf. Then two mini chocolate chips get a tiny dip of melted chocolate on the bottom of them before you place it on the top marshmallow for the eyes. Cute!
Chocolate Dipped Snowman Spoon
We made a few different kinds of dipped spoons. One is dipped in melted peanut butter chips with mini chocolate chips all over. We call that one the “chocolate chip cookie” dipped spoon, and it is my favorite one dipped in hot chocolate! We also sprinkled coconut on one to look like snow. Melted mint chocolate with crushed peppermint on another, and a melted butterscotch chips spoon with drizzled chocolate on the top. Mmm, Mmm!
Chocolate Dipped Spoons from
Once you’ve got all your spoons dipped and decorated, let the chocolate harden again. It goes by pretty fast if you place your waxed plate in the fridge for about 15-20 minutes. Then they’re ready for dipping in hot cocoa, or even your hot milk. The snowman one was our favorite to dip. He went for a big swim in chocolate. He was going…
Chocolate Dipped Spoons from
Chocolate Dipped Spoons from
Now this is one tasty snowman! Have fun dipping your snowmen spoons in chocolate!

Also, just wrap in cellophane and add a pink or red bow and you’ve got great Valentines Day gifts (not that we’re thinking that far ahead or anything).

Monday, December 16, 2013

Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

Lori Ulmer
From Lori Ulmer
Independent Representative at Avon
Dallas/Fort Worth Area

I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

- Lori

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