Sunday, April 28, 2013

Bell Peppers

Bell peppers ~ Look on the underside of the pepper, the ones with four bumps are "female" and those with three bumps are "male". The ones termed "female" peppers, or those with more bumps, contain more seeds and will be used largely for collection of seeds and replanting (hence "female"), but are also sweeter and better for eating raw. The ones with three or fewer bumps are better for cooking and contain fewer seeds.
Bell peppers ~ Look on the underside of the pepper, the ones with four bumps are "female" and those with three bumps are "male". The ones termed "female" peppers, or those with more bumps, contain more seeds and will be used largely for collection of seeds and replanting (hence "female"), but are also sweeter and better for eating raw. The ones with three or fewer bumps are better for cooking and contain fewer seeds.

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